80 MAGE = FAKE NAME = 4150 GS = Bis neck 226ilvl = 5/5 set Tier 7 Valorous = Red Proto Drake/Bronze Drake = 149 EUR

80 Mage Troll

Dual spec

Fake Name

 4150 Gear Score / 210 ilvl equipped


EoE 10/25 cleared

Naxx 10/25 Cleared

[Plush Sash of Guzbah] Bis Waist

[Band of Channeled Magic] Bis Ring

Bis trinkets 200 ilvl

Red proto drake/Bronze drake

5/5 set Tier 7 Valorous Shoulders/Legs/Chest/Hands/head

[Key to the Focusing Iris] (both key eoe 10/25)in bags

1/5 Set Tier 7 Pvp [Deadly Gladiator's Silk Raiment]

[Staff of Draconic Combat] 200 ilvl BIS Staff

[Bronze Drake]

 Tier Chest [Deadly Gladiator's Silk Raiment]

Fake Name Battle net 

2000 Achievement Points

Fly Mount 280% speed (epic)

Ground Mount 100% speed

Alots of materials tailoring in bank




Reputations: The Wyrmrest Acord - Exalted

The Sons of Hodir- Honored 4000/12000

Argent Crusade-Revered 12k-21k

Kirin Tor-  Exalted

The Kalu`ak-Revered

The Hand of Vengeance-Honored 7000/12000

The Sunreavers-Honored 

The Taunka-Honored 10000/12000

Warsong Offensive-Revered 4000/21000

Knights of the Ebon Blade-Honored

Horde Expedition-Revered



125 [Emblem of Heroism]

55 [Emblem of Valor]



Gear for all specs 200/213ilvl : [Chain of the ancient Wyrm],[Wand of the San'layn][Rod of the Fallen Monarch][Forge Ember][Chain of the Ancient Wyrm][Cowl of Sheet Lightning][Heroes' Frostfire Circlet][Mark of the War Prisoner][Cowl of Winged Fear][Saltarello Shoes][Staff of Draconic Combat][Encircling Burnished Gold Chains]?[Mantle of the Fatigued Sage][Mantle of the Tribunal][Heigan's Putrid Vestments][Sandals of Crimson Fury][The Horseman's Seal][Azure Cloth Bindings][Cuffs of Winged Levitation],[Flowing Sash of Order][Traditionally Dyed Handguards][Voodoo Signet][Giant-Hair Woven Gloves][Ancestral Sinew Wristguards][Ring of the Frenzied Wolvar][The Prospector's Prize][Medallion of the Horde][Wand of Ahn'kahet][Amulet of the Spell Flinger]





Transfer availiable (no cooldown transfer)
Server-Mograine Horde


Gametime: 6/11/2022



Gear: https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/gear-planner/mage/troll/BgFQAACBQJl_AOpCAKFFIJxNAiCudQCcWoMgneMA6iEAnE0EABfQhUCd4gCuTwCcPiCccIZAnvgA1gkAnE0gnE6HQJ3hANlQAJw-IJxNiACdNgDsz4kgnYUArlsAnE2KIJ3fAK4wAJxaCwCckAwAnw8NAJ7qDgCZPY8AnxMAuxqQAJoAAK5VEQCZHxIAkTkTAFnX









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Price:149 EUR

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Price: 149 EUR


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Awesome person, awesome accounts, awesome prices and awesome account security! The best I have fo...
Bought 2 accounts so far. Excelent service. Thank you misha.

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