Rogue = 478 ilvl = 5/5 Tier Set = Bis Trinkets/Weapons 483ilvl = Mage Tower = Thunderfury = CM GOLD WOD = FLY SL/BFA/LEGION/WOD = 369 EUR

70 Night Elf Rogue Outlow 478 ilvl

Mage tower set transmog


Bis trinket 483ilvl

Bis weapons 483 ilvl

Trinkets 470/480 in bags

2200 Raider Io Score

5/5 Tier Set



Fly Shadowlands/BFA/LEGION/WOD

[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker](in bags)

[Ensemble: Initiate's Necromantle Vestments] in bags



Shoulders shadowlands transmog: [Ritualist's Spiked Mantle]

Mounts covenant Necrolord in bags: [War-Bred Tauralus][Armored Plaguerot Tauralus]


Sets transmog: Nightslayer Armor 8/8 Full set(Tier1)

        Slayer`s Armor 4/6 Tier 6

Weapons transmog: [The Unbreakable Will][Blade of Infamy][Perdition's Blade][Sorcerous Dagger][Bristleblitz Striker]


Illusions enchants weapons: Moongose,Void Edge,Nightamare,Sunfire,Titanguard,Beastslayer,Crusader,Striking,Agility,Mark of blending Hollow,Mark of Blackrock,Landslide,Power Torrent,Elemental Slayer,Avalanche,Lifestealing


          Tabards:[Tabard of Summer Skies][Tabard of the Achiever][Tabard of the Explorer],[Competitor's Tabard]





Points: Character Sale Only: The character gets transferred to a brand new account. It will have normal version of Dragonflight and 30 Days of Gametime on the date of creation. ( Mounts are not getting transferred to the new account )





More Infos in Pics / Screenshots!


Price: 369 EUR

We can meet INGAME so you can see this account LIVE .

I will accept next payment methods:

PayPal [instant]


Credit Card - with Paypal, without needing to create a PayPal account ( is the portal that gets your payment, you won't share you CreditCard info's with anyone else but )


( ask us to activate the Credit Card payment for the specific account that you want to buy - this option is disabled as standard )


Bank to Bank (3 working days)


Western Union -  [instant] - Available Online aswell


Moneygram [instant] 

Price: 369 EUR


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great guy i got 2 accounts form him if i ever need accounts i normaly go for this guy
Everything went very nice and smooth. It was my 1st deal like this and i had troubles with sett...

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