Now we can transfer any of these characters to your own WoW Account.

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Char SALE = 238 Monk = 78 Necrolord = 149 EUR
213 Rogue = Renown 33 = 10/10 Normal & 9/10 HC= 189 EUR
201Hunter = 765 Personal Achievs = Renown 13 Kyrian = 269 EUR
Char Sale = 380 Hunter = Full Campaign = 279 EUR
60 Death Knight = 180 ilvl = 329 EUR
308 PVP MONK = Full S4 Duelist BIS Gear = 349 EUR
205 Hunter = Renown 26= Rare transmogs = 349 EUR
215 DK = 10/10HC = 900 RIO = 20/24 Recipes = 499 EUR
20060 Achievements = 378+ Rare Mounts = 108 Feats of strength = 879 EUR


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The best, and VERY best service overall. I appreciate it. This guys are just serious people, bo...
Trader was very patient and the deal was quick. Very reliable and it felt safe all the way. Payme...

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