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Cristian's EpicNPC.com iTrade Rating (Click!)

Cristian's OwnedCore.com Feedbacks (Click!) 

old mmobay.net/markeedrago.com  Feedback thread.

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How it all started? 


          www.Eu-Accounts.com was created back in 2007, when I ( Misha - Mishap87 ) decided to create a premium safe World of Warcraft accounts place for people who want to invest their money once and for good and play that account for the lifetime. After 2 years of selling accounts on forums and to chinese resellers ( 2005-2007), I realised that this transactions are made superficially, making it easy for the owners to recall their accounts to play or resell them once again. The market was lacking of a really trusted place where you could be sure that once you've paid, you will get what you paid for.

          In 2010 I got acquainted with Cristian (thoridasl), both dealing with the same market and sharing the same principles. In 2012 Cristian "joined the club" , coming up with new ideas, new website look and an overall fresh air, becoming Eu-Accounts.com co-owner. 

          Together we developed the most complex way for safe accounts buying and selling: a legal contract signed by the owner in which he agrees to sell his account for X price, transferring all the rights to us to administrate the account, agreeing to share his ID for account administration etc.; a voice record over a phone-call where he admits to sell his account; local and mobile phone numbers; and many more, making a account recall almost impossible. 

          But let's be honest. After all this, the owner still can recall the account if he wants to. While we pull all of our legal strings to get that account back, we replace that account with a similar one for you, or simple pay all the money back (not 50% a time or less after a long time, but the full amount no matter when it was sold or when it was lost). That's why you will never find a bad review about us, but only thousands happy faces that still play their accounts. (click on the links above to see them all)


          Now in 2015 we are still leading this Safe World of Warcraft Accounts Business, being available 24/7 no matter if we sell, buy, or resolve accounts problems.


 If you're not sure you are talking to us, please ask the one you talk with to reply in our Web-Chat: http://www.eu-accounts.com/chat_window  /or ask him to send you a private message on any of the forums we are present ( Example: ask Misha to send you a private message from the user Eu-Accounts.Com on epicnpc.com forum)

This way you can make sure that the guy you are talking with is the real Misha or Cristian.




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I bought multiple account here that was very easy and good pricing and great services here! Diffe...
Friendly, patient and honest seller. 100% satisfied.

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