WOW Classic Accounts & Services

80 Paladin Holy = PVP FULL FURIOUS GEAR=THE UNDYING TITLE = 4900 GS = Amani War Bear =...
80 Shaman PVP FURIOUS 5/5 SET = 70 DK = UNDYING TITLE =RED PROTO DRAKE = 5000 GS = 3K ...
80 MAGE = FAKE NAME = 4150 GS = Bis neck 226ilvl = 5/5 set Tier 7 Valorous = Red Proto ...
80 WARLOCK = FAKE NAME = 4250 GS = 4/5 Set Tier 7 Valorous = BIS NECK 226ILVL = BIS T...
80 Shaman Resto = 3K AP = 4050 GS =3/5 Set T7 = Fly 280% Speed = 12k Gold = Black War B...
70 Paladin = BIS GEAR = DST TRINKET BIS = T6 Chest = Weapon Torch of the Damned= Shard...
3889 GS &204 ilvl = Hunter 80 = Full Naxx25& 10 = 70 TBC Hunter = 6x Retail Cha...
80 Warrior = 4120 GS = 5/5 set T7 = Bis Head 226ilvl = Bis Shield 226ilvl Wall of Te...


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Absolute Great person too trade with and every question answered and beleive me i asked ALOT lol ...
Sold my account quickly and easily without any hassle. Payment and all was smooth and would defin...

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